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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), also referred to as Autism, is a developmental condition that highly affects the way an individual interacts, learns, communicates and behaves with the people around them. This condition is caused mainly due to differences in the functioning of the brain. If you seek expert advice on this, you may consult our autism doctor in Thane.   What Does Autism Mean: A Detailed Explanation   Autism is simply a spectrum disorder that affects individuals in different ways and degrees. This occurs usually in a child before the age of 3 and lasts forever. Sometimes, it is diagnosed in the later stage of life, even though they have been going through the same condition since childhood. There are several chances of this scenario in the case where symptoms are mild and are often neglected. On the other hand, early response to ASD can not only aid in the development of the child in the childhood days but also improve their daily functioning as an adult.  There are mainly 2 types of autism functioning labels:  High-functioning Autism –  Here, people with autism have minor symptoms that are not easy to detect. They may face fewer instances where they face problems while communicating or learning. Low-Functioning Autism – Individuals having this type of autism may require constant support at every stage of life; they may require help to perform every other task and can be difficult for them to sustain alone for a longer period.    Symptoms of Autism: Most Popular    There are many signs of Autism. Some of the most common ones are as follows:  Limited scope of interest/ high interest in some topics  Poor eye contact Doing something repeatedly, such as repeating words or performing an action  Super sensitive to sights, touches, smells that may seem ordinary to other people  Not been able to look or listen to other people  Not paying attention to things when others pointed them Least interested in being cuddled or held Face issues in understanding gestures, facil expressions, etc.  Difficulty in adapting to new routine  Insomnia    Causes of Autism: You Must Know    Autism is generally caused due to some problems in several parts of the brain, that plays a integral role in interpreting process language or sensory input. This is not limited to children and can occur in any individual of any social background, ethnicity. Family background, education history or lifestyle doesn’t increase or decrease the risk of autism in a child. Following are some of the major risk factors:  Genetic-based conditions such as Down syndromes, Rett or Fragile X  Too low weight during birth  Having a sibling with autism  Being born as a male child, as it is more common in boys. Having older parents    Conclusion    Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)  is a condition that affects directly affects the behaviour, communication, etc. of an individual in different forms. Signs such as lack of eye contact, highly sensitive to ordinary things, are some of the ways to detect autism. This condition is mostly common in males and is caused due to several genetic conditions, abnormally less weight during birth, etc.  In case you are diagnosed with autism and looking for the best treatment, you must consider our autism treatment in Thane. 

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What are the Treatments for Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder, also referred as autism, is a condition that highly impacts the behaviour and social interactions of an individual with others. It primarily occurs in the children below the age of 3, and may persist for a long haul. In case you are looking for an effective solution for this condition, then you must consider our autism treatment in Thane, performed by a specialised doctor having extensive knowledge. Treatments for Autism: An Eye-Opener Even though there is no long-term cure for this condition, there are a few approaches that can help to improve the variables such as learning, interactions and overall quality of life. These approaches are not just limited to children but also adults who are willing to seek solutions to deal with autism.  As autism is a spectrum-based condition, some individuals with autism may require less or no support while some may find it difficult to function without major support of the others or therapy. Some research suggests that early intervention and support before the age of 3 can be highly effective. However, these are many approaches that can be proven to be effective when diagnosed at a later stage in life. Our autism treatment doctor in Thane puts all the effort into understanding and conducting therapies tailored to your needs.  Most Common Approaches for Autism: Deal with Ease  Applied Behaviour Analysis – Commonly called ABA, it refers to an array of techniques specifically curated to support positive behaviours in individuals with autism with the idea of a reward system. This approach is usually applied in both children and adults. There are many types of ABA, such as pivotal response training, discrete trial training, early intensive behavioural intervention, verbal behaviour  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – This refers to a talk therapy that can help people to understand feelings, connections, thoughts of others. It is held to be effective in both adults and children. This is likely to be more beneficial in managing anxiety for the people with autism. Besides this, it can also aid in recognising the emotions of others and manage situational problems effectively.  Sensory Integration Therapy – At several times, people with autism are highly affected by sensory input like smell, sound or sight. With a view to make it easy for an individual to respond to sensory stimulation in an ordinary manner, this therapy relies on plays like jumping roles or drawing in sand.  Social Skills Training – This therapy is specifically designed for the children to enhance their social skills. By undergoing this training period, individuals with autism can easily learn the fundamentals of social skills such as reading emotional gestures, understanding humour, etc. This is more likely to be effective for young adults or teenagers in their 20s.  Speech Therapy – By choosing this therapy, the one with autism can enhance their speech and tonality with correct usage of the grammar. This therapy stands as the best way to help adults in understanding and communicating their feelings and thoughts in a better way.  Conclusion  Autism is a spectrum-based disorder that impacts the way an individual interacts and behaves with others. It is one such condition that cannot be cured completely, but can be improved over a period of time. Several approaches like speech therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, applied behavioural analysis are used can significantly help in improving the quality of life of those with autism.  If you are wondering how you can get the best assistance, our autism treatment in Thane has the right expertise.

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Virtual Autism vs Autism The Difference You Need to Know

Virtual Autism in Kids: Symptoms, Source, and Possible Treatment

Today’s children are more exposed to screens as compared to the previous generation. Whether it is a Smartphone or a tablet, television or a computer, screens are much a part of their lives today. Technology provides the benefits of education and entertainment in society today, especially when very young children spend so much time on screens, a phenomenon commonly referred to as “virtual autism”. In case you are looking for the best autism doctor in Thane, then you must look forward to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic, as it has specialized doctors to provide effective results.    What is Virtual Autism? Screen addiction is another term that has been used for a set of behaviors that manifest like autistic-like behaviors in young children after spending most of their formative years in front of screens. The idea came a long time ago when some health workers realized that certain children who were autistic in this case did not have any neurological cause but symptoms that were similar to those of children who spend long hours with screen devices.   Signs of Virtual Autism You Must Know  We figured out that children with virtual autism may display some of the characteristics of children with traditional autism.  Key signs include:     Delayed Speech and Communication: Children may be still in the development stage of constructing their speech and might even have a few words stock. The parents may find it difficult to comprehend social signals as well as reach the appropriate response to them.     Lack of Eye Contact: It may also be difficult for such children to make eye contact especially when they are interacting.     Repetitive Behaviours: Repetitive movements, for instance, spinning of objects or flapping of hands, are some of the signs to look out for.     Difficulty in Social Interactions: They may prefer loneliness, act aggressively, have poor conversations and they may play alone or with no interest at all.     Limited Interest in Real-world Activities: Here, a child tends to spend a lot of time in front of screens at the expense of gross motor activities, reading or other healthy interactions. If you live in Thane or the neighboring areas, it is advisable to take your child to an autism doctor in Thane for better clarification and advice.   Preliminary Causes of Virtual Autism Virtual autism is attributed to the continual use of tablets, smartphones, and televisions particularly in children below three years of age.  These years form the stages of brain development and are the most formative as the brain is growing rapidly and is extremely sensitive to outside influences.  Excessive screen time can limit a child’s opportunities for crucial developmental activities such: Staring at the screen for long periods garners a negative effect on how much a child can be occupied with other very crucial developmental activities including:     Face-to-Face Interactions: This is so because any human being needs to be in contact with his fellow humans in order to be in a position to learn how to communicate as well as develop interpersonal skills.     Physical Play: Shifting around and traveling lets a child develop many motor skills and cognitive aspects.     Creative Play: Imaginative play enhances problem-solving abilities and emotional well-being. Therefore, children do not acquire the necessary skills to deal with their surroundings effectively if these developmental activities are replaced with passive screen time. Having said all of this, it is reasonable to claim that symptoms resembling autism may result from this kind of seclusion.   Best Treatment Options You Must Look Forward  In cases where you think your child is developing signs of virtual autism, then it should be addressed as soon as possible. This is true because, as a rule, timely intervention can help bring about positive changes, and delay means worsening of the situation. Here are some treatment options:     Reduce Screen Time: Generalize this process and gradually reduce your child’s screen time. Promote more of the physical and the interactive forms of play instead.     Increase Social Interactions: Spend more time with your child having face-to-face communication with family members or friends. The only skills that can make a significant difference are playing, reading, and conversing with kids.     Structured Play Therapy: Occupational therapists can assist a child in making an appropriate play to enhance social, motor, and cognitive areas. In Thane, families are encouraged to look for specialized clinics including Dr. Tetgure’s  Healthcare where people with autism can be treated. Speech & Language Therapy: If a kid exhibits a speech delay, a speech therapist can help them develop appropriate communication skills.  Occupational therapy: This type of therapy helps improve a child’s hand-eye coordination, item grasping, manipulating skills, and ability to carry out functional tasks in their surroundings. For better health treatment, you must choose the get the best autism treatment in Thane. Probably, it is why clinics like our Dr Tetgure Healthcare Clinic, feature a broad list of services that can be used depending on the child’s necessities.   Conclusion There is increasing concern about virtual autism in children in our society today but with proper diagnosis and the right input, a child can progress well, enormously. If you have concerns about your child’s screen habits and their effects the next step to take is to seek advice from an expert in autism treatment in Thane. If your child has some difficulties at a certain stage of his or her development, don’t wait for further complications, consult today!

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Virtual Autism vs Autism The Difference You Need to Know

Virtual Autism vs Autism: The Difference You Need to Know

Recently the term ‘virtual autism’, related to children’s development became a topic of interest and dispute among parents, teachers, and doctors. While virtual autism can be compared to traditional autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in terms of some of the symptoms, it differs greatly from the latter in terms of the origin, signs, and effects. It is therefore important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the differences so that they can put their best effort into supporting their children.   What is Autism: A Comprehensive Summary  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that impacts how individuals engage with others communicate and behave in various ways. Autism is considered a disorder to acknowledge the diverse range of symptoms and the varying degrees of severity experienced by those affected. The common signs include challenges with eye contact, difficulty communicating verbally limited play behaviors, and heightened or reduced sensitivity, to their surroundings. While the precise cause(s) of autism have not yet been identified, the disorder is thought to be, at least partly genetic and also environmental. Science has further confirmed that the patterning of inheritance greatly influences the possibility of developing autism and exposure to some other factors like toxins during pregnancy might also increase the probability of this condition. Notably, autism is regarded as a developmental disorder that is present from childhood and characteristically does not go away, but gets stabilized with optimal management throughout the affected individual’s life.   What is Virtual Autism: An Overview  Virtual autism is a concept that is comparatively new and mainly relates to children with autism-like symptoms due to the addiction to gadgets and excessive use of screens during the early developmental stages of life. It came into being when certain specialists realized that children could develop signs of autism if they spent long hours in front of the screens, especially at the tender age when the brain is developing at the highest rate. In contrast to traditional autism, virtual autism results not from genes or innate neurological quirks but from exposure to digital technologies.   Key Differences Between Autism and Virtual Autism Here are some of the major points that set Autism and Virtual Autism apart.  Causes:     Autism: Usually it is hereditary, but in some scenarios, environmental aspects tend to play a role. Scientific studies suggest that multiple gene interactions contribute to the occurrence of autism.     Virtual Autism: Factors including habits, a lack of alternatives, FOMO, etc., contribute towards this condition, mainly due to prolonged use of screen devices at a tender age. Age of Onset:     Autism: It is often observable at a very early age, with signs usually developing before the age of three but sometimes sooner than that.     Virtual Autism: A child is likely to develop symptoms of dependency upon screens if they are of a younger age group and screen for long periods. Such symptoms are recorded when the child is in front of the screen for a long time.        Symptoms: Autism: Includes groups of children who are functioning at different levels in terms of social and communication relations, repetitive, stereotyped behaviour, and calling of the abnormal threshold about stimulation and sensory approaches. These symptoms of neurological dryness are an abnormality that exists from birth.     Virtual Autism: Signs are very similar to those of autism where a child may be slow to speak, avoid eye contact, show little or no interest in interacting with others, and engage in repetitive movements. However, such symptoms are mostly associated with limited developmental activities brought about by exposure to screens rather than from neurodevelopmental disorders.    Reversibility:     Autism: Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder. Symptoms linked to it can be, although with partial effect achieved through therapies and support, never fully cured.     Virtual Autism: It is claimed that it has the potential to be reversible if diagnosed early. Most children are capable of getting rid of virtual autism symptoms by reducing the time spent in front of the screen and exposing kids to more interactive forms of communication.   Conclusion: On the surface, virtual autism and autism might be mistaken as one. However, it is important to know the difference between both because care and intervention should be given accurately. Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder maintained throughout life and arising from genetic and neurological roots. On the other hand, virtual autism results from environmental factors, mainly excessive screen time, and in many cases can be reversible with timely intervention. For parents and caregivers, awareness is the first step. This includes reducing screen time and creating a stimulating, interactive setting to help typical development and prevent the appearance of virtual autism symptoms. If you suspect your child is showing signs of either condition, the best thing would be to see a healthcare provider so that they can get the right type of care and support.

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Virtual Autism vs Autism The Difference You Need to Know

What Are the Different Types of Autism

What Are the Different Types of Autism? Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complicated neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Autism shows in early childhood and continues throughout a person’s life. The severity and presentation of symptoms can vary widely, making autism a spectrum disorder. Some people may require essential support in their daily lives, while others might need less assistance and can live independently.   Causes of Autism The exact causes of autism remain largely unknown, though research points to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some known causes include: Genetics: Several genes have been associated with autism. Genetic mutations can occur spontaneously or be inherited from parents. Environmental Factors: Factors such as prenatal exposure to certain drugs, environmental pollutants, or complications during birth may increase the risk of autism. Neurological Factors: Abnormalities in brain structure and function, such as differences in brain connectivity and neural processing, are common in people with autism. Parental Age: Advanced parental age at the time of conception has been linked to an increased risk of autism.   Types of Autism Autism is broadly categorized into different types, reflecting the diverse nature of the disorder. These categories help doctors to customize treatment to the different needs of people. Here are the main types of autism: Autistic Disorder: It is also known as “classic autism,” this type is characterized by significant language delays, social and communication challenges, and unusual behaviors and interests. Asperger Syndrome: People with Asperger syndrome typically have milder symptoms of autistic disorder. They may have social challenges and express repetitive behaviors but often do not have particular language or intellectual impairments. Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS): Sometimes referred to as “atypical autism,” this type includes people who meet some, but not all, criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome. Symptoms can vary widely. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD): A rare condition where a child develops typically for at least two years and then experiences a major loss of social, communication, and other skills. Rett Syndrome: Although no longer classified strictly under the autism spectrum, Rett syndrome shares many similarities. It is a genetic disorder that usually affects girls and leads to severe analytical and physical impairments after an initial period of typical development.   Conclusion Understanding autism and its various types is important for providing proper support and treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve results for people with autism. If you are looking for professional help for autism, Dr. Madhuri Tetgure is known as the best autism doctor in Thane, offering complete autism treatment in Thane tailored to each individual’s needs. With her expertise, many families have found effective strategies to manage and support their loved ones with autism. For the best autism treatment in Thane, Dr. Madhuri Tetgure stands out for her dedication and specialized approach, ensuring that every patient receives the care they deserve. If you are in need of an autism doctor in Thane, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Madhuri Tetgure for expert guidance and support. Recent Posts What Are the Different Types of Autism What Are the Different Types of Autism • August 10, 2024 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behavior, Read More » 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder • August 10, 2024 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behavior, Read More » Pages Home 2 • February 28, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More » Home • February 27, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More »

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Spectrum Disorder Treatment in Thane

10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder

10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. Here are sone facts about ASD: About 1 in 54 children in the U.S. has ASD. ASD varies widely. Some people may need a lot of help, while others need less. Signs often appear by age 2 or 3, like delayed speech and limited eye contact. Many with ASD have trouble communicating. Some might not speak, while others might not understand jokes or sarcasm. People with ASD might be very sensitive to lights, sounds, or textures. Individuals with ASD often have strong interests in specific topics. Many with ASD also have other conditions like anxiety or ADHD. Neurodiversity means accepting that different brain types, like autism, are normal variations. With support, many people with ASD can work and live independently. Support from family, friends, and organizations helps individuals with ASD thrive. Conclusion Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex and mixed condition that affects people in different ways. By increasing our understanding and awareness of ASD, we can better support those living with the disorder and encourage a more inclusive society. Whether through early intervention, recognizing unique strengths, or promoting acceptance, everyone can play a role in creating a world where individuals with autism can flourish.For those seeking best autism treatment in Thane, Dr. Madhuri Tetgure is highly recommended as one of the best autism doctors in Thane. Her comprehensive approach and dedication to helping people with ASD make her a top choice for families looking for quality care and support. Recent Posts 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder 10 Facts to Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder • August 10, 2024 What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work Homeopathy is a broad system of medicine Read More » What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work? What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work? • July 5, 2024 What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work Homeopathy is a broad system of medicine Read More » Pages Home 2 • February 28, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More » Home • February 27, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More »

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Homeopathy Doctor in Thane

What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work?

What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work Homeopathy is a broad system of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. It is based on the principle of “like cures like” which means a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in minute doses to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. This practice is known for its individualized treatment approach and use of highly diluted substances.   How Does Homeopathy Work?   Homeopathy works on the concept that the body can heal itself. Remedies in homeopathy are prepared through a process called potentization, which involves repeated dilution and forceful shaking. The belief is that this process increases the healing properties of the substance while minimizing side effects. The remedies are chosen based on a detailed examination of the patient’s symptoms, overall health, and emotional state.  Homeopaths believe that the remedies control the body’s essential force, triggering a natural healing response. This is why treatments are tailored to each individual’s unique symptoms and overall condition rather than focusing on the disease alone.   Benefits and Effectiveness of Homeopathy   Homeopathy offers several benefits: – Individualized Treatment: Each treatment is customized to the patient’s specific symptoms and health status. – Minimal Side Effects: Due to the high dilution of the remedies, side effects are rare. – Holistic Approach: Homeopathy considers the whole person, including physical, emotional, and mental aspects. – Chronic Conditions: It is often used for chronic conditions that conventional medicine may not effectively address. The effectiveness of homeopathy is a topic of debate within the medical community. While many patients report significant improvements, clinical trials have shown mixed results. Some studies suggest that homeopathy can be effective, particularly when the inactive drug effect and the holistic nature of the consultation are considered. However, others argue that more rigorous research is needed.   What Conditions Does Homeopathy Treat?   Homeopathy is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to: – Allergies and Asthma: Remedies like Allium cepa and Arsenicum album are often used. – Digestive Disorders: Homeopathy can help with issues like indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. – Skin Conditions: Sulphur and Graphites are common remedies for eczema and psoriasis. – Mental Health: Ignatia and Natrum muriaticum are used for conditions like anxiety and depression. – Respiratory Infections: Remedies such as Bryonia and Pulsatilla are used for colds and sinusitis.   Conclusion Homeopathy remains a popular alternative medicine system worldwide due to its personalized approach and no side effects. While scientific opinions vary, many individuals find relief and improvement through homeopathic treatments. For those in Thane, Dr. Madhuri Tetgure stands out as the best homeopathy doctor in Thane. With her expertise and dedication, patients receive compassionate care tailored to their unique health needs. Recent Posts What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work? What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work? • July 3, 2024 What is Homeopathy and How Does Homeopathy Work Homeopathy is a broad system of medicine Read More » Autism and Anxiety: Navigating the Spectrum Autism and Anxiety: Navigating the Spectrum • July 3, 2024 Autism and Anxiety: Navigating the Spectrum Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition Read More » Pages Home 2 • February 28, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More » Home • February 27, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More »

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Autism Treatment in Thane

Autism and Anxiety: Navigating the Spectrum

Autism and Anxiety: Navigating the Spectrum Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals differently, showing a wide range of symptoms and behaviors. Among these, anxiety is a common yet often overlooked companion for many with autism. Understanding the complex relationship between autism and anxiety is important for providing effective support and creating inclusive environments. This blog explores the connection between autism and anxiety, explores into challenges faced by individuals navigating both conditions, and offers strategies for managing anxiety within the autistic community.   Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism is defined by difficulties in social communication and interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive behaviors. The spectrum nature of autism means that people can show a broad range of abilities and challenges. Some may have exceptional skills in particular areas, such as mathematics or music, while others may face significant difficulties in daily functioning. This variety necessitates a personalized approach to support and care.   The Commonness of Anxiety in Autism Anxiety disorders are common in the general population, but their prevalence is notably higher among individuals with ASD. Studies estimate that around 40-50% of people with autism also experience significant anxiety symptoms. This increased prevalence can be attributed to various factors, including sensory sensitivities, social challenges, and difficulty in understanding and predicting social norms.   The Relationship Between Autism and Anxiety Sensory Sensitivities Many people with autism experience increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as bright lights, loud noises, and certain textures. These sensory sensitivities can be immense and lead to increased anxiety. For example, a crowded and noisy environment, such as a shopping mall, can trigger anxiety and discomfort, making it challenging for an autistic person to manage.   Social Interaction Challenges Social interactions can be particularly stressful for individuals with autism. The nuances of social communication, such as interpreting body language, maintaining eye contact, and understanding social cues, can be difficult to grasp. This difficulty often results in anxiety in social situations, where the fear of making mistakes or being misunderstood appears large.   Predictability and Routine An acute preference for predictability and routine is a common characteristic among people with autism. Sudden changes or unexpected events can disturb their sense of order, leading to anxiety. For instance, a last-minute change in schedule or an unexpected disruption in daily activities can cause major distress.   Recognizing Anxiety in Individuals with Autism Identifying anxiety in people with autism can be challenging, as the symptoms may overlap with or be masked by autism-related behaviors. Some common signs of anxiety in autistic individuals include: – Increased Repetitive Behaviors: Increased engagement in repetitive activities or routines as a coping mechanism. – Avoidance: Withdrawal from social interactions or activities that cause anxiety. – Physical Symptoms: Expressions such as stomachaches, headaches, or other unexplained physical complaints. – Meltdowns or Shutdowns: Intense emotional reactions or complete withdrawal in response to uncontrollable situations.   Strategies for Managing Anxiety in Autism   Effectively managing anxiety in individuals with autism requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the underlying causes and the specific indications of anxiety. Here are some strategies that can be beneficial:   Creating a Predictable Environment Establishing a structured and predictable environment can significantly reduce anxiety. Clear routines, visual schedules, and advance warnings of changes can help individuals with autism feel more in control and less anxious about the unknown.   Sensory Accommodations Making accommodations for sensory sensitivities can reduce anxiety. This might include providing noise-canceling headphones, allowing breaks in quiet spaces, and using sensory-friendly materials. Understanding and respecting sensory preferences can create a more comfortable and less stressful environment.   Social Skills Training Social skills training programs can help people with autism develop the skills needed to navigate social interactions more confidently. These programs often use role-playing, visual aids, and social stories to teach appropriate social behaviors and reduce anxiety in social situations.   Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques Mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation, can help people with autism manage anxiety. These techniques promote self-awareness and provide tools for calming the mind and body in stressful situations.   Supporting Autistic Individuals in Different Environments   Home Creating a supportive home environment is important for managing anxiety in people suffering from autism. Families can create routines provide sensory-friendly spaces, and encourage open communication about feelings and anxieties. Additionally, involving people in planning and decision-making can help the sense of control and reduce anxiety.   School School plays an important role in supporting students with autism and anxiety. Educators can implement individualized education plans (IEPs) that include an understanding of sensory sensitivities and social challenges. Providing a structured and predictable classroom and environment, along with opportunities for social skills development, can help to reduce anxiety and enhance learning.   Workplace For adults with autism, the workplace can be a source of major anxiety. Employers can create overall work environments by offering flexible work arrangements, clear communication, and an understanding of sensory sensitivities. Training programs that raise awareness about autism and anxiety among coworkers can also promote a more supportive and understanding workplace culture.   The Importance of Self-Advocacy Authorizing people with autism to advise for themselves is an important aspect of managing anxiety. Self-advise involves understanding one’s own needs, communicating these needs effectively, and seeking appropriate support. Encouraging self-advision can help people with autism feel more confident and in control of their lives, reducing anxiety in the process.   The Role of Caregivers and Professionals Caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals play an important role in supporting people with autism and anxiety. Their understanding, patience, and proactive approach can make a major difference. Collaboration among caregivers, educators, therapists, and medical professionals ensures a comprehensive support system that addresses the multifaceted needs of people with autism and anxiety.   Looking Forward: Building Inclusive Communities Creating overall communities that understand and support the unique needs of people with autism and anxiety is important. This involves raising awareness, promoting acceptance, and encouraging environments where autistic people can thrive.

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Adhd Treatment in Thane

ADHD: Myths & Facts

ADHD: Myths & Facts Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a commonly misunderstood condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its commonness, many myths surround ADHD, often misleading to misconceptions and criticism. This blog focuses on dispersing these myths by presenting accurate facts about ADHD. Let’s explore some common myths and facts about this condition.   Myth 1: ADHD isn’t a real medical condition Fact: ADHD is a well-documented and scientifically validated medical condition recognized by major health organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It is specified by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are common and improper daily functioning. Research shows that ADHD has a neurological basis, often involving differences in brain structure and function.   Myth 2: ADHD only affects children Fact: ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, it is not only a pediatric condition. Many people continue to experience the symptoms into adulthood. It is estimated that about 60% of children with ADHD will carry some of the symptoms into their adult years. Adult ADHD can present differently, often with less hyperactivity and more issues related to inattention, disorganization, and time management.   Myth 3: ADHD is caused by poor parenting Fact: ADHD is not a result of bad parenting. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a strong genetic factor. Environmental factors may affect the severity and presentation of symptoms, but they are not the cause. Blaming parents not only continuously blames but also ignores the complex role of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors involved in ADHD.   Myth 4: Everyone with ADHD is hyperactive Fact: ADHD presents in three primary types: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and combined. Not all people with ADHD show hyperactivity. Those with the inattentive type may struggle more with focus, organization, and following through on tasks without showing signs of hyperactivity. This variation means that ADHD can sometimes go unrecognized, especially in people who do not fit the stereotypical image of hyperactivity.   Myth 5: ADHD medications are dangerous and addictive Fact: When prescribed and examined by a healthcare professional, ADHD medications are generally safe and effective. Tonic medications have been highly studied and are considered first-line treatments for ADHD. These medications can significantly improve symptoms and quality of life for many individuals. While there is potential for misuse, particularly if taken without a prescription, the risk of addiction is low when used as directed under medical supervision.   Conclusion Dispersing myths and understanding the facts about ADHD is important for encouraging empathy, reducing blame, and providing effective support to those affected by this condition. ADHD is a legitimate, complex disorder that requires proper and individualized treatment approaches. For those looking for the best ADHD treatment in Mumbai, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional. Dr. Madhuri Tetgure is recognized for her expertise in ADHD treatment in Thane, offering personalized care and proven strategies to help people manage their symptoms effectively. Under her guidance, patients achieve better outcomes and improve their quality of life. By spreading proper information and taking specialized care, we can create a more informed and supportive environment for everyone impacted by ADHD. Recent Posts ADHD: Myths & Facts ADHD: Myths & Facts • June 26, 2024 ADHD: Myths & Facts Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a commonly misunderstood condition that Read More » Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability? Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability? • June 3, 2024 Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability In Autism or ADHD the problem revolves Read More » Pages Home 2 • February 28, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More » Home • February 27, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More »

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Autism Treatment in Thane

Is Autism or ADHD Leading to Intellectual Disability?

Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability In Autism or ADHD the problem revolves around only this 5 factors.1. Behavior2. Speech, language and communication3. Social skills4. Self help skills5. Academics. If anyone is able to crack this code then they are sorted with ADHD and Autism child. Labelling does not make any difference. World has received brilliant brains due to Autism and Adhd traits. Their differently wired brain makes them super special. In neurodiversity there is a lack of incidental learning. The brain does not learn in the same manner what neurotypical learn. Kids have to be taught differently. For this parents have to educated their perspective and method of learning. Here, at Dr.Tetgure’s Healthcare we set targets and also train parents to achieve the goals. More the numbers of repeatations more are the chances of learning and grasping. A constitutional Homeopathy medicine acts as a catalyst to this by increasing the Interneural connections..So if the parents are doubting the child’s ability who has Autism and Adhd, then the problem lies in strategies, resources, parenting, nature of treatment done. Not with the child. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes thousands of village to raise a child with autism and adhd. 1. But will the child be able to communicate meaningfully? The answer is YES. 2. Will the child be able to make friends? The answer is YES. 3. Will the child be able to do job? The answer is YES. 4. Will the child be able to live independently if I’m not around? The answer is a big YES. THIS IS ONLY ACHIEVABLE ONLY WHEN PARENT REALISES THAT THEY ARE IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CHILDS DEVELOPMENT AND SHOULD BE WELL EQUIPPED & KNOWLEDGEABLE TO TEACH THEIR KIDS IN THE WAY THEY UNDERSTAND. Recent Posts Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability? Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability? • June 3, 2024 Is Autism or ADHD leading to intellectual disability In Autism or ADHD the problem revolves Read More » What is the difference between ADHD and autism? What is the difference between ADHD and autism? • May 17, 2024 What is the difference between ADHD and autism? Introduction ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Read More » Pages Home 2 • February 28, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More » Home • February 27, 2024 Welcome to Dr Tetgure’s Healthcare Clinic We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result. 16+ Read More »

Is Autism or ADHD Leading to Intellectual Disability? Read More »

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